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Wednesday, February 26, 2014

Drawing Fuzzies!

Hey! I finished my online drawing animals class. It's actually called drawing furries. Furries are characters that are a blend of humans and animals. They could be talking animals. They could also be upright animals with more human proportions and wearing clothes. It's also called anthropomorphism. Here are the basic four stages.
Here's a link if you want to read a little bit about it: http://cartooncave.blogspot.com/2007/08/if-i-could-talk-to-animals.html


 Someone on DeviantArt created anthropomorphic characters of the My Little Ponies. You can see all the stages here.

Ok, so you have anthropomorphism and you also have furries. Some people consider them the same thing. However, furries can also have a negative connotation. Some people dislike furries like these.

The characters are basically human with just animal heads and tails stuck on. They have completely human proportions. Here are some more.


http://img.gawkerassets.com/img/188cz7dbthev8jpg/ku-xlarge.jpgYou get the idea, right? I think some of these are really great drawings. They have really good solidness and perspective, but they are also kind of creepy. This dolpin...I don't know...
Omigod...I came across of some pictures of people as furries...


 Did you know Arthur is a kind of a furry?
But he's shorter and has cuter proportions so he's not scary.
Anyway, this was the online class I took for 5 weeks. The teacher would give us a lesson, I would upload my work and then she would critique it.
Here's my first week's work:

We had to draw a real animal and then turn it into an anthropomorphic character. My teacher said the real horse was a bit flat. I was working from a picture and the photographer used a telephoto lens that flattened out the image. THAT'S WHY YOU SHOULD ALWAYS TRY TO WORK FROM REAL LIFE AS MUCH AS POSSIBLE!
She also said I could increase the perspective by making the front legs significantly bigger than the back and making the head bigger. Then, the horse would look like it's solid and going back into space.
About my coffee horse, she said I could have changed the proportions more. I kept them the same as the real horse. The coffee horse was also sitting back on his hind legs and wasn't actually standing. I could have also worked with the perspective on him too.
Always always always think about perspective.
It's what makes things real. Among other things.
Yeah we've lived in this world for so long and lived with natural perspective that we can immediately tell when something is wrong.
We can't always say what, but we know it's wrong.
That's the challenge of being an animator! You have to suspend the audience's belief. It IS real. The characters ARE real. The world is just in the screen.

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