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Saturday, May 3, 2014

Think shapes!

Hey all!
Guess what!
I just came back from prom! It was pretty fun. And now I'm so tired.
So onto other things.
If you did a whole lot of gestures and found action lines in everyone, now is the time to start thinking in shapes. Yup, welcome back to geometry. Fun geometry though. You're only really thinking about cylinders and rectangles.
Ok, so let's think about the human body. We're pretty 3-D, right? I mean, it would be hard to do things if we weren't. So we're 3-D. That means we got planes, like side planes. Because we stick out. Oh, and a front plane and a back plane. Yup, a rectangle.
That's you.
If you put a human body in front of you, you can roughly encase it in a rectangle.
And if you think about it, you can roughly encase the arms and legs and head into rectangles too.
So why don't you just simplify everything into rectangles and cylinders?
(P.S. I know I keep saying rectangles when I mean rectangular prisms, but same difference.)
So the first one is done with actual 2-D rectangles. It simplifies the human figure to the basic components and makes it easier to draw the whole figure in proportion. But you notice that the figure doesn't really pop out until he puts in another plane with the shadows. Now look at the second one. By using 3-D shapes, you can really see how the body twists. They have mass.

http://www.artistdaily.com/images/premiums/draw-basics/Cylinder-Drawing.jpg    Yup, So practice this with gestures! Sorry this is such a short post! But keep drawing! Bye!                                                                                                                                                                      

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