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Wednesday, March 5, 2014

Little People Houses! (Miyazaki Distraction)

I think I'll start off with the distraction.
I finished!!! This painting I was working on forever.
Here's a very bad cell phone picture. Can you figure out what it is? A kitchen! For little people. See?
There's a hose that drips water into a small bowl. They built a stove out of pieces of brick. That's a coke can attached to a soup can for the smoke to go out. The ceiling is wallpapered with tunafish can paper. They "borrowed" all these small glass bottles and containers. There's a spool of thread that someone's knitting a sweater from. They wove baskets out of dried grass. They carved bowls and plates and cups from wood chips. They have an antique fork and spoon. And there's even a tiny ceramic pitcher from a dollhouse.

I don't know, I would live there. It looks very warm and cozy. Like a simplified version of life. No busy electronics anywhere. I like those times. I mostly like my settings to be before electricity or extremely modern. Like flying cars modern. Not so good with current times.

Anyway, did you ever watch Arrietty by Studio Ghibli? I was inspired by that.


http://2.bp.blogspot.com/_pkUFRs9vaXA/TT_ZofrdfHI/AAAAAAAA6Mc/eAcORetbUPY/s1600/maison-d-arrietty-copy-gndhddtw.jpgDid you know Arrietty was inspired by The Borrowers by Mary Norton?

So cool, right?
I love Miyazaki Hayao's work. It's so beautiful and breathtaking. I went to an exhibition about him in Korea and I got to see his layouts. Seriously, each one is a work of art.

http://25.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_lpri4dVtI01qzxivto1_1280.jpgLOOK AT THAT CRAZY INSANE DETAIL!!!!
Ok, dying. There's a whole book of these out there. I think it's really amazing.
And if you haven't, you should really watch the Studio Ghibli movies. There's something magical about them. Not Disney magical, but still magical.
Princess Mononoke
Spirited Away

Ohmigod, I'm hungry! I will continue this another day. And my computer's too slow!

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