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Sunday, March 30, 2014

Biggest Mystery Ever!

Hey everyone! So lately, I've been puzzled over this one question: what makes a good character a good character? There's all these successful movies, books and TV shows out there. And then there are some that aren't. So why do people relate to and love some characters but not others? Therefore, I'm going to come up with a few theories.
My first one was that a character had to have a tragic past.

His parents were killed by an evil wizard.

He was thrown out by his father.
I don't know about you, but I really like the Lone Ranger.

I don't want to spoil anything so I'm just going to say that Tonto had a really sad past.
Tonto got me thinking about guilt, because some characters had some tragic death or sin that they have to make up for.

He killed his brother.
But then what about the bad guy turning into the good guy?
I really love it when that happens.
I hope you guys all read Harry Potter.

Do we love heroes that make mistakes just like us?
They have so much power, but in the end, they're just as clumsy and dumb as normal human beings.

I know for a fact, that we love characters who change for the better by the end of the movie or whatever.
Do we like the underdog? Do we like it when the character overcomes an impossible challenge because it makes us feel like we can do it too?

Or do we just like people who are so freaking awesome and we just want to be them?

They always manage to get out of the worst situations with only their wit while maintaining a sense of humor along the way.
Man, I wish I was as cool as Jack Sparrow.
Omigod, my brain hurts. I don't get it! What's the secret?
Also, what makes some stories so good??


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