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Sunday, May 11, 2014

Sheldon Borenstein

Happy mother's day! Today I got up super early to make my mom breakfast. My brother came down and helped. Then, he got all upset because I criticized his cooking. And he stormed dramatically up to his room. But seriously, he took like 10 minutes to fry an egg. He moved soooooo slowly. And afterwards, I told him I meant 2 eggs for each person. And he threw a fit. I'm sorry I don't expect 3 people to share 2 eggs.
But anyway, I hoped you enjoyed yours. The breakfast got done. But I am not enjoying this moody brother of mine. Please practice frying eggs.
I'm going to tell you about this awesome dude in California. His name's Sheldon Borenstein. And he used to work for Disney and he's an awesome animator. Now he has a school and he teaches people to draw.

He's pretty funny. So I don't live in California. I'm kind of pretty far from it too.Can't just go over there when I feel like it. Luckily, the internet exists. Video recorders exist.
Sheldon has a whole lot of videos about foreshortening, character design, landscapes. You have to buy them and it does cost some money. However, education is priceless and this is your chance to learn from a professional.

I've learned a lot from his life drawing videos. Of course, you can't see the models so you should also take life drawings classes. Here's the website.
Check it out. It's awesome.
That's all for today! See you later!

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